

Friday, May 9, 2014

The Church and Change!

We live in a world that requires everything to be new! Perhaps the best example of this is found in the products we sell. Every year we have to have a new car design, however simple the change, in order to keep the consumer happy. Car sales would plummet were it not for these changes!

Another up to date example is in the field of technology. Computers, Smart Phones, Note Pads, iPads and on and on the list goes. In order for manufacturers to maintain market-share they must constantly be 'seen' as improving product reliability, serviceability and functionality. These changes may be substantive or superficial, but one thing is for sure...change is the order of the day!

I cannot help but what wonder if this 'market strategy mentality' is not also creeping (or leaping) into the Church. Can it be that worshipers are also requiring everything to be new? Are we constantly reworking our forms of worship so as to 'increase market-share'? In an effort to please people, are we actually subordinating the work of the Holy Spirit to our own designs and plans? Is it our thinking that we must be 'seen' as progressive in order to be relevant in today's world? Do we have such little confidence in the work of the Holy Spirit that we have replaced it with our own desires, thinking and motivations?

Some of the changes may be Spirit led and substantive, while many other changes may be superficial and counterproductive. In order to keep our 'consumers' happy it may well be that we are seeking change for no other purpose than to rid ourselves of the traditional and create the appearance of being up to date and forward thinking..

I would suggest that it is not as important to be 'seen' as relevant as it is to BE relevant! Being 'seen' has been the downfall of religion and religious people for all of Church history. Calling attention to ourselves will always lead to failure. Calling attention to Jesus and His work will always lead to eternal rewards. O, I know we say we ARE calling attention to Him when in reality we are doing little more than putting ourselves on display.

Having said all of this, I am not opposed to change at all. I am opposed to change that is motivated by self promotion, superficial displays and narcissistic behaviors! I am opposed to the proponents of change who arrogantly purport to have a better way, if not the only way!

The Church ought not to be following the marketing strategies of the Big Three automakers in Detroit...after all, they are going bankrupt! Change for changes sake WILL bring CHANGE....just not the change we need!

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