

Monday, March 25, 2013

Focus on the Pulpit! by Gary Laws

This morning it occurred to me that it is incumbent upon those who take to the pulpit to present the Word in simple fashion. Those who grace our pews each week come, not for a seminary education but for spiritual food presented in such a way as to be easily understood and digested.

The pulpit is not a place to regale our charges with complicated theological thinking designed to impress the hearer. Rather, it is a place to present the wonderful message of God‘s word, enabling those who sit under our ministry to understand, to grow and to feel the very presence of God in the teaching.

We must know that we have not been anointed to preach for the purpose of calling attention to ourselves. Even the most eloquent among us are to be seen as humble servants. We are wholly unworthy of such responsibility, regardless of how well versed we may be.

 Our simple task is:

1) To call attention to the One who died for all;
2) To lovingly instruct the sinner in matters concerning their spiritual depravity, with the goal of moving them to repentance;
3) To share the Good News… that one can move from the depraved state of the sinner to the justified state of the saint because of Christ‘s atonement on the cross..
4)  To impart, simply, the great themes and lessons of the Bible so that they might be grasped easily, and applied effectively, to ones life; and
5)  To demonstrate how everyone who claims the name ‘Christian’ can share in this wonderful ministry of saving the lost.

Of course, others may find even more to add to the foregoing. However, if we can, with simplicity and effectiveness, accomplish these things while, at the same time, keeping ourselves hidden from view, we then can  feel that we truly are becoming what God has called us to become!

“What simple faith Thy simple servant shares.
To free the lost from every earthly care.
To teach, implore, redeem and lift on high,
The sinner, saved by grace, the blood applied!”  

“Equip me Lord for service in your Name.
I know the sinners wait, I sense their pain.
How shall  they hear if I not preach and gain,
For heaven, one more soul to be redeemed.”

“Not seeking fame or glory for my own.
I’ll serve while kneeling humbly at Thy throne.
My only motive, unsaved souls to bring,
to Jesus, singing praises to their King! “

Gary D. Laws  Copyright  2013 All Rights Reserved  

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